BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily

OL_Daily from BRF WeatherStation: Hourly and daily weather observations from Black Rock Forest.


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily barpresavg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily barpresmax[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily barpresmin[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily battvolt[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily co2[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily dewptavg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily gsravg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily partot[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily raintot[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily rhavg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily rhmax[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily rhmin[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily stemp10avg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily stemp20avg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily tempavg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily tempmax[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily tempmin[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily vappresavg[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily wdird1[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily wdirsd1[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily wspd[ | time]
BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily wspdmax[ | time]

Independent Variables (Grids)

time grid: /time (days since 1995-01-01 00:00:00) ordered [ (1129-1229 1 Jan 1995) (1129-1230 2 Jan 1995) (1130-1229 3 Jan 1995) ... (1129-1230 27 Mar 2011)] N= 5769 pts :grid


Kastens, K.A., B. Blumenthal, and A. Kimple. 1998. What does it take to make real data useful in pre-graduate school education? A case study using environmental sensor data from the Black Rock Forest, NY. Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union, spring 1998, Boston Massachusetts, p. S13.

Last updated: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:27:28 GMT

Data Views

BRF WeatherStation OL_Daily[ ]