outline | an outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset |
short wave cloudiness sensitivity parameter | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology ac[ X Y | T] |
long wave Chi sensitivity parameter | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology achi[ X Y | T] |
long wave vapor pressure sensitivity parameter | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology ae[ X Y | T] |
sea level air density | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology airdens[ X Y | T] |
constrained buoyancy flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology buoy[ X Y | T] |
cloudiness | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology cloud[ X Y | T] |
constrained evaporation minus precipitation | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology emp[ X Y | T] |
ocean friction velocity cubed | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology fvcubed[ X Y | T] |
ice mask | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology ice[ X Y | T] |
latent heat flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology latent[ X Y | T] |
outgoing longwave radiation | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology longrad[ X Y | T] |
constrained new outgoing heat flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology netheat[ X Y | T] |
precipitation rate | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology precip[ X Y | T] |
specific humidity | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology qair[ X Y | T] |
qsea minus qair | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology qs-qa[ X Y | T] |
sea level specific humidity | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology qsea[ X Y | T] |
relative humidity | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology rh[ X Y | T] |
sea level air temperature | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology sat[ X Y | T] |
sensible heat flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology sensib[ X Y | T] |
net short wave radiation | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology shortrad[ X Y | T] |
sea level air presure | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology slp[ X Y | T] |
sea surface temperature | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology sst[ X Y | T] |
sea minus air temperature | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology sst-sat[ X Y | T] |
zonal wind stress | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology taux[ X Y | T] |
meridional wind stress | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology tauy[ X Y | T] |
zonal wind | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology u3[ X Y | T] |
zonal heat flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology ua[ X Y | T] |
zonal moisture flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology uq[ X Y | T] |
meridional wind | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology v3[ X Y | T] |
meridional heat flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology va[ X Y | T] |
vapor pressure | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology vappres[ X Y | T] |
virtual temperature | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology virtemp[ X Y | T] |
meridional moisture flux | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology vq[ X Y | T] |
wind speed | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology w3[ X Y | T] |
10m / (Monin Obukov length) | DASILVA SMD94 halfbyhalf climatology zdl[ X Y | T] |
Time | grid: /T (months since 01-Jan) periodic (Jan) to (Dec) by 1.0 N= 12 pts :grid |
longitude | grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (0.25E) to (0.25W) by 0.5 N= 720 pts :grid |
latitude | grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (89.75S) to (89.75N) by 0.5 N= 360 pts :grid |
Last updated: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 21:11:57 GMT