ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed

r2p5 reforecast perturbed from ECMWF S2S HMCR: HMCR Ensemble.


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset

Datasets and variables

ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed 0-0p2_m_below_ground[st20 sm20 ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed 0-1_m_below_ground[sm100 st100 ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed 10m_above_ground[10u 10v ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed 2m_above_ground[2dt 2t mn2t6 mx2t6 ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed atmos_column[tcc ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed pressure_level_1[q ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed pressure_level_2[gh t ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed pressure_level_wind[u v ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed sfc_heat_flux[slhf sshf ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed sfc_precip[tp cp sf ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed sfc_pressure[sp msl ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed sfc_rad_flux[ssrd strd str ssr ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed sfc_stress[ewss nsss ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed sfc_temperature[wtmp skt ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed surface_snow_ice[ci sd asn ]
ECMWF S2S HMCR r2p5 reforecast perturbed top_of_atmosphere[ttr ]

Independent Variables (Grids)

hdate grid: /hdate (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (1985) to (2010) by 12.0 N= 26 pts :grid
Lead (forecast_period) grid: /L (days) ordered (0.0 days) to (61.0 days) by 1.0 N= 62 pts :grid
Lead (forecast_period) grid: /L1 (days) ordered (1.0 days) to (61.0 days) by 1.0 N= 61 pts :grid
Lead (forecast_period) grid: /LA (days) ordered (0.5 days) to (60.5 days) by 1.0 N= 61 pts :grid
Ensemble Member (realization) grid: /M (ids) ordered (1) to (9) by 1.0 N= 9 pts :grid
Pressure Level (air_pressure) grid: /P (hPa) ordered [ (50) (100) (200) (300) (500) (700) (850) (925) (1000)] :grid
Pressure Level (air_pressure) grid: /P1 (hPa) ordered [ (500)] :grid
Pressure Level (air_pressure) grid: /P2 (hPa) ordered [ (200) (300) (500) (700) (850) (925) (1000)] :grid
forecast start time (forecast_reference_time) grid: /S (days since 1960-01-01) ordered [ (0000 7 Jan 2015) (0000 14 Jan 2015) (0000 21 Jan 2015) ... (0000 24 Jun 2021)] N= 338 pts :grid
longitude (longitude) grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (0) to (1.5W) by 2.506993 N= 144 pts :grid
latitude (latitude) grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (90N) to (90S) by 2.5 N= 73 pts :grid

Last updated: Wed, 08 Feb 2023 19:29:10 GMT

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