Features Political Eritrea MOH_SubZobas

MOH_SubZobas from Features Political Eritrea: Ministry of Health Sub Zobas.


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

Features Political Eritrea MOH_SubZobas mohcode[ | mohcode_2]
Features Political Eritrea MOH_SubZobas mohname_2[ | mohcode_2]
Features Political Eritrea MOH_SubZobas the_geom[ | mohcode_2]
Features Political Eritrea MOH_SubZobas zonecode_2[ | mohcode_2]
Features Political Eritrea MOH_SubZobas zonename_2[ | mohcode_2]

Independent Variables (Grids)

Ministry of Health Sub-Zoba code grid: /mohcode_2 (unitless) ordered [ (101) (102) (103) (104) (201) (202) (203) (204) (205) (206) (207) (208) (209) (210) (301) (302) (303) (304) (305) (306) (307) (308) (309) (310) (311) (401) (402) (403) (404) (405) (406) (407) (408) (409) (410) (411) (412) (413) (414) (501) (502) (503) (504) (505) (506) (507) (508) (509) (510) (511) (512) (601) (602) (603) (604) (605) (606) (607)] :grid

Last updated: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT

Data Views

Features Political Eritrea MOH_SubZobas[ ]