Attributes { depth { Int32 epic_code 3; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "m"; } time { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } Y { Int32 epic_code 500; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } X { Int32 epic_code 502; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_east"; } va { Int32 CI 1; Float32 scale_min -10.0; String FORTRAN_format "F9.4"; Int32 CS -10; String generic_name "v"; Int32 epic_code 423; Float32 CSCALE 0.035; String long_name "meridional wind anomaly"; Int32 CE 10; String history "[(Mean surface wind vectors (m/s) and sea surface temperature (C) as well as anomalies in the tropical Pacific.) (COADS Wind and Reynold-Smith (1994) climatologies.) (USA-FRANCE-JAPAN-KOREA-TAIWAN)]"; Float32 scale_max 10.0; Float32 missing_value 1.00000004E35; String units "m s-1"; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "IRIDL"; } }