T X ∫dY ∫dT ∫dX [ IGOSS TOPEX NOAA ssha ] : T X Sea Surface Height Anomaly data

ssha ssha int_dX int_dT int_dY partial_X T X Sea Surface Height Anomaly from IGOSS TOPEX NOAA: NOAA TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimeter Gridded Sea Level Analysis.

Independent Variables (Grids)

Time (time)
grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (16 Oct 1992 - 15 Nov 1992) to (16 Jun 2002 - 15 Jul 2002) by 1.0 N= 117 pts :grid
Longitude (longitude)
grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (2E) to (2W) by 4.0 N= 90 pts :grid
Latitude (latitude)
grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (60.5S) to (60.5N) by 1.0 N= 122 pts :grid

Other Info

0.000174532925199433 meter radian north
$partialdiff sub T$ $partialdiff sub X$ $integral dY$ $integral dT$ $integral dX$ [ IGOSS TOPEX NOAA ssha ]
Monthly mean sea surface height anomaly. USA


Cheney, B., L. Miller, R. Agreen, N. Doyle, and J. Lillibridge. 1994. TOPEX/POSEIDON: The 2-cm Solution. J. Geophys. Res., 99 (C12), 24555-24564.

Last updated: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:27:28 GMT

Data Views

[ X Y | T]MMM


Here are some filters that are useful for manipulating data. There are actually many more available, but they have to be entered manually. See Ingrid Function Documentation for more information. Average over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
RMS (root mean square with mean *not* removed) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
RMSA (root mean square with mean removed) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Maximum over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Minimum over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Detrend (best-fit-line) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Convert units from 0.000174532925199433 meter radian north to

Note on units