IRI Analyses ENSO-RP ver1950-1996 2.5 deg

2.5 deg from IRI Analyses ENSO-RP ver1950-1996: Probabilistic precipitation anomalies associated with ENSO (1950-1996).


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

IRI Analyses ENSO-RP ver1950-1996 2p5deg maskedprob[ X Y | prcp ENSO T]
IRI Analyses ENSO-RP ver1950-1996 2p5deg prob[ X Y | prcp ENSO T]

Independent Variables (Grids)

ENSO grid: /ENSO (ids) unordered [ (nino) (nina)] :grid
prcp grid: /prcp (ids) unordered [ (wet) (normal) (dry)] :grid
Time (time) grid: /T (months since 01-Jan) periodic (Dec - Feb) to (Nov - Jan) by 1.0 N= 12 pts :grid
Longitude (longitude) grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (1.25E) to (1.25W) by 2.5 N= 144 pts :grid
Latitude (latitude) grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (88.75N) to (88.75S) by 2.5 N= 72 pts :grid


Mason, S.J. and L. Goddard, 2001. Probabilistic precipitation anomalies associated with ENSO. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, 619-638.

Lenssen, N. J. L., Goddard, L., Mason, S. (2020). Seasonal Forecast Skill of ENSO Teleconnection Maps, Weather and Forecasting, 35(6), 2387-2406.

Last updated: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 17:23:44 GMT

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