IRI FD ECHAM4p5 Forecast ca_sst ensemble24

ensemble24 from IRI FD ECHAM4p5 Forecast ca_sst: ECHAM4.5 retrospective ensemble forecasts based on Constructed Analogue SST.


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset

Semantic Documents


Datasets and variables

Daily forecast from Jan 2003 to present.
ECHAM4.5 AMIP2a Jan 1957 to Jul 2008.
Monthly forecast calculated from the Six-hourly for Jan 1957 to Jul 2008.
Retrospective daily forecast from the ECHAM4.5 CA for Jan 1957 to Dec 2002.
Six-hourly forecast from Jan 2003 to present.


Li, S. and L. Goddard 2005: Retrospective Forecasts with the ECHAM4.5 AGCM IRI Tech. Report 05-02 December 2005

van den Dool, H.M., 1994: Searching for analogues, how long must we wait? Tellus, 46A, 314-324.

Van den Dool, H. M., 2007: Empirical Methods in Short-Term Climate Prediction. Oxford University Press, 215 pp.

Last updated: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:31:26 GMT

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