X T [ KAPLAN RSA_MOHSST5 OS ssta ] : X T SST anomaly data

ssta partial_T X T SST anomaly from KAPLAN RSA_MOHSST5 OS: Fixed Interval Optimal Smoother.

Independent Variables (Grids)

grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (16 Jan 1856 - 15 Feb 1856) to (16 Nov 1991 - 15 Dec 1991) by 1.0 N= 1631 pts :grid
grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (25E) to (20E) by 5.0 N= 72 pts :grid
grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (87.5S) to (87.5N) by 5.0 N= 36 pts :grid

Other Info

687.549354156988 degree_Kelvin radian-1 east year-1
2; June 96
Reduced space (80 EOFs) analysis of MOHSST5 data


Kaplan, A., M. Cane, Y. Kushnir, A. Clement, M. Blumenthal, and B. Rajagopalan, Analyses of global sea surface temperature 1856-1991, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 18,567-18,589, 1998

Last updated: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 21:11:41 GMT

Data Views

[ X Y | T]MMM


Here are some filters that are useful for manipulating data. There are actually many more available, but they have to be entered manually. See Ingrid Function Documentation for more information. Average over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
RMS (root mean square with mean *not* removed) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
RMSA (root mean square with mean removed) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Maximum over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Minimum over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Detrend (best-fit-line) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Convert units from 687.549354156988 degree_Kelvin radian-1 east year-1 to

Note on units