The GDCN data can be found here.

The country code key is located here.

-No data measurement information (Tx,Tn,Pr)
65-Accumulated precipitation value (Pr)
67-Begin or continuing precipitation accumulation (Pr)
69-Estimated value provided by source (Pr)
72-Accumulated precipitation indicated by source, however
no accumulated precipitation value was provided (Pr)
74-Source provided accumulated precipitation value, however
no information on accumulation period was provided(Pr)
84-Trace accumulation reported by source (Pr)

-No quality control information (Tx,Tn,Pr)
70-Failed source quality control (Tx,Tn,Pr)
83-Suspect value identified by source (Tx,Tn,Pr)
88-Exceeds known world daily extreme for that particular
element (Krause and Flood, 1997) (Tx,Tn,Pr)
79-Temperature value is greater than or equal to 6.0 bi-weight
standard deviations from the period bi-weight mean (Tx,Tn)
5-Temperature value is greater than or equal to 5.0 and less
than 6.0 bi-weight standard deviations from the period
bi-weight mean (Tx,Tn)
4-Temperature value is greater than or equal to 4.0 and less
than 5.0 bi-weight standard deviations from the period
bi-weight mean (Tx,Tn)
3-Temperature value is greater than or equal to 3.0 and less
than 4.0 bi-weight standard deviations from the period
bi-weight mean (Tx,Tn)
75-Streak value (value occurs 10 or more days in a row).
Note 0.0 mm precipitation values are excluded. (Tx,Tn,Pr)
69-Extreme precipitation value ( >= 90th percentile of all observations
within that month for the period on record). (Pr)
73-Internal consistency error, minimum temperature value greater than
same day maximum temperature value (Tx,Tn)

It is possible that one or more quality control flags may apply to a single datum. Therefore, the
above listed flags are listed in order of precedence. Thus, if a value is suspect (e.g., flag=83)
and also an outlier (e.g., flag=79), then the suspect flag will be set for that datum.

Note: A list of stations with potentially inconsistent accumulated precipitation observing practices can be found here. More information can be found on page 14 of the official documentation.

Note: A portion of the stations were given new ids to facilitate their entry into the Data Library. A list of these stations, along with their original and new ids, can be found here.

Full documentation for this dataset can be obtained from NCDC.