The data are here.
Additional documentation can be found at RFE2.0 Documents
Please note that the estimated precipitation values for Africa are given in terms of 10-day (dekadal) accumulations, and in the Data Library dekads are designated by the central day of the dekad (e.g., 6 Aug 2000 = 1st dekad of August 2000).
The following information is excerpted from the "readme" file referred to above:
2. description of the data 1) content: rain == 10 day precipitation analysis by merging GTS gauge observations and 3 kinds of satellite estimates (GPI,SSM/I, and AMSU) 2) coverage: -40.00S -- 40.00N Northward; 20.00W -- 55.00E Eastward 751 grid points in east - west direction 801 grid points in south - north direction 3) resolution: 0.1 deg lat x 0.1 deg lon dekad 4) missing values -999.0 4. Notice: 1) Please refer to this product as the CPC/Famine Early Warning System Dekadal Estimates 2) Please contact us for any problems or questions regarding this product. Dr. Pingping Xie Climate Prediction Center 5200 Auth Road, #805B Camp Springs, MD 20746 Tel: (301)763-8000 ext.7572 Fax: (301)763-8125 E-mail: OR: Timothy Love Climate Prediction Center 5200 Auth Road, #805B Camp Springs, MD 20746 Tel: (301)763-8000 ext.7549 Fax: (301)763-8125 E-mail: