Description of CPC/Famine Early Warning System Dekadal Estimates

The data are here.

Additional documentation can be found at RFE2.0 Documents

Please note that the estimated precipitation values for Africa are given in terms of 10-day (dekadal) accumulations, and in the Data Library dekads are designated by the central day of the dekad (e.g., 6 Aug 2000 = 1st dekad of August 2000).

The following information is excerpted from the "readme" file referred to above:

2.  description of the data 
    1)  content: 
        rain  ==   10 day precipitation analysis by merging       
                   GTS gauge observations and  3 kinds of satellite estimates 
                   (GPI,SSM/I, and AMSU)
    2)  coverage: 
        -40.00S -- 40.00N Northward;
         20.00W -- 55.00E Eastward  
        751 grid points in east - west direction
        801 grid points in south - north direction

    3)  resolution: 
        0.1 deg lat x 0.1 deg lon 
    4)  missing values 

4. Notice: 

    1) Please refer to this product as the CPC/Famine Early Warning System
       Dekadal Estimates
    2) Please contact us for any problems or questions regarding 
      this product.  

        Dr. Pingping Xie 
        Climate Prediction Center 
        5200 Auth Road, #805B
        Camp Springs, MD 20746 
        Tel:  (301)763-8000 ext.7572  
        Fax:  (301)763-8125 

        Timothy Love 
        Climate Prediction Center 
        5200 Auth Road, #805B
        Camp Springs, MD 20746 
        Tel:  (301)763-8000 ext.7549
        Fax:  (301)763-8125