RIHN Asian precipitation from APHRODITE

RIHN Asian precipitation from APHRODITE: Asian precipitation products created by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency.


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset
APHRODITE's Water Resources Websitethe original source of this dataset

Datasets and variables

Asian precipitation products created by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency.
Asian precipitation products created by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency.
Asian precipitation products created by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency.

Other Info



Hamada, A., O. Arakawa and A. Yatagai, 2011: An automated quality control method for daily rain-gauge data. Global Environmental Research, V15N2, pp183-192.

Xie, P., A. Yatagai, M. Chen, T. Hayasaka, Y. Fukushima, C. Liu, and S. Yang (2007). A gauge-based analysis of daily precipitation over East Asia, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, 607-627.

Yatagai, A. O. Arakawa, K. Kamiguchi, H. Kawamoto, M. I. Nodzu and A. Hamada (2009): A 44-year daily gridded precipitation dataset for Asia based on a dense network of rain gauges, SOLA, 5, 137-140, doi:10.2151/sola.2009-035.

Yatagai, A., K. Kamiguchi, O. Arakawa, A. Hamada, N. Yasutomi and A. Kitoh (2012): APHRODITE: Constructing a Long-term Daily Gridded Precipitation Dataset for Asia based on a Dense Network of Rain Gauges, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93, 1401–1415. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00122.1

Last updated: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 13:29:09 GMT

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