WCRP GCOS GPCC FDP version4 0p5 prcp: Total Precipitation data

GCOS GPCC FDP version4 0p5 0p5 0p5 0p5 Total Precipitation from WCRP: World Climate Research Programme.

Independent Variables (Grids)

Time (time)
grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (Jan 1982) to (Dec 2007) by 1.0 N= 312 pts :grid
Longitude (longitude)
grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (28.25E) to (44.75E) by 0.5 N= 34 pts :grid
Latitude (latitude)
grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (11.75S) to (15.75N) by 0.5 N= 56 pts :grid

Other Info

mm /month
standard units*
0.012 meter year-1




Rudolf, B. & F. Rubel (2005): Global Precipitation. In: Hantel, M. (Ed.) Observed Global Climate. New Series on Landolt-Bornstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships, Springer, Berlin, 11.1 - 11.53, extended online version (11.1 - 11.24, print version, ISBN 3-540-20206-4.

Rudolf, B., U. Schneider (2005): Calculation of Gridded Precipitation Data for the Global Land-Surface using in-situ Gauge Observations, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the International Precipitation Working Group IPWG, Monterey October 2004, EUMETSAT, ISBN 92-9110-070-6, ISSN 1727-432X, 231-247.


Rudolf, B., H. Hauschild, W. Rueth, and U. Schneider (1994): Terrestrial Precipitation Analysis: Operational Method and Required Density of Point Measurements. In: Global Precipitations and Climate Change (Ed. M. Desbois, F. Desalmond), NATO ASI Series I, Volume 26, Springer-Verlag, page 173-186.

Last updated: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 18:39:07 GMT

Data Views

[ X Y | T]MMM


Here are some filters that are useful for manipulating data. There are actually many more available, but they have to be entered manually. See Ingrid Function Documentation for more information. Average over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
RMS (root mean square with mean *not* removed) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
RMSA (root mean square with mean removed) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Maximum over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Minimum over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Detrend (best-fit-line) over X Y T | X Y X T Y T | X Y T |
Convert units from mm/month to

Note on units