
Monthly OLR Anomaly

This map shows monthly outgoing longwave radiation anomalies for the globe.

This map shows monthly outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) anomalies in units of Watts/m2. The period used for computing the climatology is 1991-present. Negative anomalies in green on the map imply increased cloudiness and enhanced likelihood of precipitation. Positive anomalies in brown imply decreased cloudiness and precipitation. These relationships work best in tropical regions.

These data are from the NOAA NCEP Climate Prediction Center.

Dataset Documentation

Monthly OLR Anomaly

Monthly OLR anomaly values from NOAA CBO version 1 products at 0.25° lat/lon resolution
Data Source
NOAA NCEP Climate Prediction Center, Monthly OLR
Monthly OLR anomaly using 1991-present base period


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