
Seasonal Precipitation Anomaly

This map shows 3-month seasonal precipitation anomalies for the globe.

This map shows 3-month seasonal precipitation anomalies in units of mm/season based upon precipitation estimates from the CAMS_OPI dataset. The period used for computing the climatology is 1991-2020. Green areas on the map indicate where precipitation was above the long-term normal for the season, and brown areas on the map indicate where precipitation was below normal. Contours are drawn at increments of +/- 50, 100, 200, ... 1000 mm/season.

These data are from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center's CAMS_OPI data set. "CAMS" is an acronym for the "Climate Anomaly Monitoring System" in use at the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) at the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). "OPI" stands for "Outgoing longwave radiation Precipitation Index" (the satellite precipitation estimates are based on emitted longwave radiation observed by polar-orbiting satellite.)

Dataset Documentation

Seasonal Precipitation Anomaly

CPC CAMS_OPI v0208 3-month seasonal precipitation anomaly values at 2.5° lat/lon resolution
Data Source
NOAA NCEP Climate Prediction Center, CAMS_OPI
3-month seasonal precipitation anomaly using 1991-2020 base period


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