ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean

ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean: ocean data start 06 Feb 2020.


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean mask[ X | Y]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean mlotst010[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean mswpt300[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean ocu[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean ocv[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean sav300[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean sithick[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean sos[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean t20d[ X Y | M LA S hdate]
ECMWF S2S ECCC reforecast perturbed ocean zos[ X Y | M LA S hdate]

Independent Variables (Grids)

hdate grid: /hdate (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (1995) to (2017) by 12.0 N= 23 pts :grid
Lead (forecast_period) grid: /LA (days) ordered (0.5 days) to (31.5 days) by 1.0 N= 32 pts :grid
Ensemble Member (realization) grid: /M (ids) ordered (1) to (3) by 1.0 N= 3 pts :grid
forecast start time (forecast_reference_time) grid: /S (days since 1960-01-01) ordered (0000 7 Jan 2016) to (0000 6 Jun 2024) by 7.0 N= 440 pts :grid
longitude (longitude) grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (0) to (1W) by 1.0 N= 360 pts :grid
latitude (latitude) grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (90N) to (90S) by 1.0 N= 181 pts :grid

Last updated: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 16:19:24 GMT

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