Models SubC

Models SubC: Subseasonal Consortium (SubC).


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset
CTBNOAA Climate Test Bed Website
DataCite DOI MetadataDOI:10.7916/D8PG249H
SubCSubC Website
SubX Data InformationModel/Data Information from SubX Project Website
SubX ProjectSubX Project Website

Datasets and variables

Models SubC CESM[30LCESM1 46LCESM1 ]
Models SubC EMC[GEFSv12_CPC GEFSv12 GEFS ]
Models SubC ESRL[FIMr1p1 ]
Models SubC GMAO[GEOS_V2p1_5daily GEOS_V2p1 ]
Models SubC NCEP[CFSv2 ]
Models SubC NRL[NESM ]
Models SubC observed[climatologies ]
Models SubC RSMAS[CCSM4 ]

Other Info

IMPORTANT NOTE: On 10 April 2018 the order of the independent variables (i.e., dimensions, or grids) for each of the SubX dependent hindcast and forecast variables in all models in the Data Library will be modified from [ X Y | S L M (P) ] to [ X Y | L M S (P) ]. It is possible that this change could affect download scripts that users may have set up in which the order of the dimensions is important. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Requirements for Data Usage: In order to document SubX data impact and enable continuing support, users of SubX data are expected to acknowledge SubX data and the participating modeling groups. The SubX model output should be referred to as "the SubX data []" and referenced using the SubX DOI: 10.7916/D8PG249H. In publications, users should include a table (referred to below as Table XX) listing the models and institutions that provided model output used in the SubX system, as well as the digital object identifier of publications documenting the models. In addition, an acknowledgment similar to the following should be included in any publication: “We acknowledge the agencies that support the SubX system, and we thank the climate modeling groups (Environment Canada, NASA, NOAA/NCEP, NRL and University of Miami) for producing and making available their model output. NOAA/MAPP, ONR, NASA, NOAA/NWS jointly provided coordinating support and led development of the SubX system.” where “Table XX” in the paper should list the models and modeling groups that provided the SubX data.

Last updated: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:28:47 GMT

Models SubC[ ]