CA_SST | Constructed Analog Sea Surface Temperature Forecasts.
CAMS | Climate Anomaly Monitoring System monthly gridded and station precipitation and temperature data.
CAMS_OPI | Climate Anomaly Monitoring System-Outgoing longwave radiation Precipitation Index.
CBO_V1 | CPC Blended OLR version 1.
CLIMAT | Monthly station precipitation and temperature data from the Climate Prediction Center.
CMORPH | CPC Morphing technique for the production of global precipitation estimates.
DailyEVE (restricted) | Daily GTS station precipitation and temperature data from the CPC.
EVE | Monthly station precipitation and temperature data from the Climate Prediction Center.
FEWS | Gridded precipitation estimates (RFE and ARC) from CPC/FEWS.
GHCN_CAMS | Gridded land surface air temperature analyzed from combined GHCN and CAMS
station data.
GLOBAL | Global outgoing longwave radiation data from the Climate Prediction Center.
Global Monthly Soil Moisture | Global monthly high resolution soil moisture dataset from the Climate Prediction Center.
GSOD | Global Summary of the Day station observations.
Indices | Northern Hemisphere Teleconnection Indices.
Merged_Analysis | CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP): Analyses of global precipitation using gauge observations, satellite estimates, and numerical model predictions.
PRECL | Global Land Precipitation: A 50-yr Monthly Gauge-Based Analysis.
REGIONAL | Daily gridded precipitation in North and South America.
temperature | NOAA NCEP CPC temperature[daily
UNIFIED_PRCP | CPC Unified Precipitation Analyses.