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0CIsotherm geopotential height
0CIsotherm relative humidity
180-0mbAGL convective avail. pot. energy
180-0mbAGL convective inhibition
1829AMSL tmp 1829m above MSL
1829AMSL u wind at 1829m above MSL
1829AMSL v wind at 1829m above MSL
2743AMSL tmp 2743m above MSL
2743AMSL u wind at 2743m above MSL
2743AMSL v wind at 2743m above MSL
30-0mbAGL 30-0 mb above gnd relative humidity
30-0mbAGL 30-0 mb above gnd specific humidity
30-0mbAGL 30-0 mb above gnd temp
30-0mbAGL 30-0 mb above gnd zonal wind
30-0mbAGL 30-0 mb above gnd meridional wind
3658AMSL tmp 3658m above MSL
3658AMSL u wind at 3658m above MSL
3658AMSL v wind at 3658m above MSL
500mb 500mb 5-wave geopot. height anomaly
500mb 5-wave geopotential height
convectCloud bottom pressure
convectCloud top pressure
convectCloud total cloud cover
Geopotential height anomaly at 1000 mb
Geopotential height anomaly at 500 mb
geopotential height
highCloud high cloud bottom pressure
highCloud high cloud top pressure
highCloud total cloud cover
highCloud high cloud top temp.
lowCloud high cloud bottom pressure
lowCloud high cloud top pressure
lowCloud total cloud cover
lowCloud high cloud top temp.
maxWindLevel Geopotential height
maxWindLevel pressure
maxWindLevel Temp
maxWindLevel u wind
maxWindLevel v wind
midCloud high cloud bottom pressure
midCloud high cloud top pressure
midCloud total cloud cover
midCloud high cloud top temp.
PressureLevel cloud water
PressureLevel geopotential height
PressureLevel ozone mixing ratio
PressureLevel vertical pressure velocity
PressureLevel specific humidity
PressureLevel relative humidity
PressureLevel stream function
PressureLevel temperature
PressureLevel zonal wind
PressureLevel meridional wind
PressureLevel velocity potential
PressureLevel absolute vorticity
pvUnits hgt 2 pv units
pvUnits hgt 32770 pv units
pvUnits pressure 2 pv units
pvUnits pressure 32770 pv units
pvUnits temp 2 pv units
pvUnits temp 32770 pv units
pvUnits u wind 2 pv units
pvUnits u wind32770 pv units
pvUnits v wind 2 pv units
pvUnits v wind32770 pv units
pvUnits vertical speed shear 2 pv units
pvUnits vertical speed shear 32770 pv units
2m specific humidity
relative humidity
2m relative humidity
sigma0.33-1.00 relative humidity
sigma0.44-0.72 relative humidity
sigma0.44-1.00 relative humidity
sigma0.72-0.94 relative humidity
sigma0.995 potential temp.
sigma0.995 relative humidity
sigma0.995 temperature.
sigma0.995 u wind
sigma0.995 v wind
sigma0.995 pressure vertical velocity
soil0-10cm Volumetric soil moisture
soil0-10cm temperature
soil10-200cm Volumetric soil moisture
soil10-200cm temperature
surface best 4-layer lifted index
surface albedo
surface convective avail. pot. energy
surface Categorical freezing rain [yes=1;no=0]
surface Categorical ice pellets [yes=1;no=0]
surface convective inhibition
surface convective precip rate
surface Categorical rain [yes=1;no=0]
surface Categorical snow [yes=1;no=0]
surface geometric height
surface downward long wave flux
surface downward short wave flux
surface ground heat flux
surface geopotential height
surface planetboundary layer height
surface ice concentration
surface land cover
surface surface lifted index
surface latent heat flux
surface potential evaporation
surface precip rate
surface pressure
surface pressure reduced to MSL
surface sensible heat flux
surface temperature
surface zonal gravity wave stress
surface zonal momentum flux
surface upward long wave flux
surface upward short wave flux
surface meridional gravity wave stress
surface water runoff
surface accum. snow
Forecast Time
max 2m temperature
min 2m temperature
boundary layer total cloud cover
2m temperature
top downward long wave flux
top upward long wave flux
totalAirColumn cloud water
totalAirColumn cloud work function
totalAirColumn precipitable water
totalAirColumn relative humidity
totalAirColumn total cloud cover
totalAirColumn total ozone
tropopause Geopotential height
tropopause pressure
tropopause temperature
tropopause u wind
tropopause v wind
tropopause vertical speed shear
10m u wind above ground
10m v wind above ground