MONTHLY_REALTIME SFLUX surface VFLX Meridional momentum flux from NOAA NCEP EMC CFS: Climate Forecast System.
Independent Variables (Grids)
- L (forecast_period)
- grid: /L (months) ordered (0.5 months) to (9.5 months) by 1.0 N= 10 pts :grid
- Member
- grid: /M (unitless) ordered (1.0) to (4.0) by 1.0 N= 4 pts :grid
- S (forecast_reference_time)
- grid: /S (days since 2009-01-01) ordered (0000 15 May 2009) to (0000 24 Sep 2012) by 1.0 N= 1229 pts :grid
- Longitude (longitude)
- grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (0) to (1.875W) by 1.875 N= 192 pts :grid
- Latitude (latitude)
- grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered [ (88.54195N) (86.65314N) (84.75323N) (82.85075N) (80.94735N) (79.04348N) (77.13935N) (75.23505N) (73.33065N) (71.42618N) (69.52166N) (67.6171N) (65.71251N) (63.80789N) (61.90326N) (59.9986N) (58.09394N) (56.18927N) (54.2846N) (52.37991N) (50.47522N) (48.57052N) (46.66581N) (44.7611N) (42.8564N) (40.95168N) (39.04697N) (37.14225N) (35.23753N) (33.3328N) (31.42808N) (29.52335N) (27.61863N) (25.7139N) (23.80917N) (21.90444N) (19.99971N) (18.09497N) (16.19024N) (14.28551N) (12.38078N) (10.47604N) (8.571307N) (6.666573N) (4.761838N) (2.857103N) (0.9523676N) (0.9523676S) (2.857103S) (4.761838S) (6.666573S) (8.571307S) (10.47604S) (12.38078S) (14.28551S) (16.19024S) (18.09497S) (19.99971S) (21.90444S) (23.80917S) (25.7139S) (27.61863S) (29.52335S) (31.42808S) (33.3328S) (35.23753S) (37.14225S) (39.04697S) (40.95168S) (42.8564S) (44.7611S) (46.66581S) (48.57052S) (50.47522S) (52.37991S) (54.2846S) (56.18927S) (58.09394S) (59.9986S) (61.90326S) (63.80789S) (65.71251S) (67.6171S) (69.52166S) (71.42618S) (73.33065S) (75.23505S) (77.13935S) (79.04348S) (80.94735S) (82.85075S) (84.75323S) (86.65314S) (88.54195S)] :grid
Other Info
- bufferwordsize
- 4
- cNZ
- 0
- datatype
- realarraytype
- gribfield
- 1
- gribNumBits
- 14
- gribparam
- 84
- missing_value
- 9.99900026E20
- pointwidth
- 0
- units
- N m-2
- standard units*
- kilogram meter-1 second-2
Saha, S., S. Nadiga, C. Thiaw, J. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Zhang, H.M. Van Den Dool, H.-L. Pan, S. Moorthi, D. Behringer, D. Stokes, M. Pena, S. Lord, G. White,W. Ebisuzaki, P. Peng, and P. Xie, 2006:The NCEP Climate Forecast System. J. Climate 19 (15): 3483-3517.
Last updated: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:27:28 GMT