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NOAA NGDC: National Geophysical Data Center
NOAA NGDC ETOPO1: ETOPO1 Grid Registered 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model
NOAA NGDC ETOPO2v2: ETOPO2v2c Global Gridded 2-minute elevation and bathymetric data
NOAA NGDC ETOPO5: ETOPO5 5x5 minute land surface elevations and sea floor depths
Resolution: 0.08333333x0.08333333; Longitude: global; Latitude: global;
NOAA NGDC GLOBE: Gridded 1-km, quality controlled global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data from the Global Land One-km Base Elevation (GLOBE) Project
Resolution: 0.008333334x0.008333334; Longitude: global; Latitude: global;
Marine Geological Samples
NOAA NGDC Marine Geological Samples: Inventory and basic lithology from marine core samples
Resolution: 47029 stations; Longitude: global; Latitude: [78.583S,90N];