UEA CRU TS3p21: CRU TS3.21: Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Time-Series (TS) Version 3.21 of High Resolution Gridded Data of Month-by-month Variation in Climate (Jan. 1901 - Dec. 2012).


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset
BADC Documentation PageClimatic Research Unit (CRU) TS (time-series) version 3.21 gridded data
dataset documentation
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TS3p22TS3p22 replaces TS3p21

Datasets and variables

UEA CRU TS3p21 climatology[c1901-2012 ]
UEA CRU TS3p21 monthly[tmn vap wet stn pet tmx tmp frs cld st0 dtr pre ]

Other Info

University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (CRU). [Phil Jones, Ian Harris]. CRU TS3.21: Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Time-Series (TS) Version 3.21 of High Resolution Gridded Data of Month-by-month Variation in Climate (Jan. 1901 - Dec. 2012), [Internet]. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, 2013, Date of citation. Available from http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/view/badc.nerc.ac.uk__ATOM__ACTIVITY_0c08abfc-f2d5-11e2-a948-00163e251233 ; doi: 10.5285/D0E1585D-3417-485F-87AE-4FCECF10A992
CRU Conditions of Use states that acknowledgement should preferably be by citing one or more of the papers referenced


Harris, I., Jones, P. D., Osborn, T. J., and Lister, D. H., 2014: Updated high-resolution grids of monthly climatic observations - the CRU TS3.10 Dataset. Int. J. Climatol., 34: 623-642. doi: 10.1002/joc.3711

Last updated: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 20:26:00 GMT

UEA CRU TS3p21[ ]