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Temperature Weekly Hindcast Skill

Subseasonal skill score based on the historical performance of each calibrated SubC model and their 3-model ensemble.

Skill is mapped by calendar month for weekly lead times. Week 1 = days 2-8, Week 2 = days 9-15, Week 3 = days 16-22, Week 4 = days 23-29 after the forecast is issued). Forecasts skill scores combine start times by calendar month and across years 1999 to 2016.

These skill scores diagnostics maps give a sense of where and when (issued which months of the year and for which weekly lead times) subseasonal forecasts may have the potential to provide useful information.

Skill scores definitions:


Dataset Documentation

Forecasts Skill Scores: Global 1˚ Multi-Model Ensemble forecasts skill scores per month of the year over the period 1999-2016 available here.



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