This plot displays three-month running average time series of standardized SST anomalies spatially averaged over the global oceans, the NINO3.4 region, and the extratropical oceans.
The SST anomalies are calculated with respect to the 1991-2020 base period and standardized based upon the period 1950 to the latest complete calendar year. The time series plot for the global oceans includes a spatial average over all ocean areas from 55°S to 55°N, and is shown in red with the label "Globe_(55S-55N)_SSTA". The time series plot for the NINO3.4 region indcludes a spatial average over 170°W to 120°W and 5°S to 5°N, and is shown in black with the label "NINO_3.4". The time series plot for extratropical ocean areas in both the northern and southern hemispheres includes a spatial average over 55°S to 25°S and 25°N to 55°N, and is shown in blue with the label "Extratropics_(25-55 NH,SH)_SSTA".
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