Features Political Senegal2008 Department tables

Choose the variable you would like a table from: Country Name Region Région Department Département Aliases Country ID Eff Year Label the_geom ,
or complete versions of the following table are available here.
Country NameRegionRégionDepartmentDépartementAliasesCountry IDEff YearLabel
SenegalDakarDakarRufisqueRufisqueSN2008Rufisque, Dakar, SN
SenegalDakarDakarDakarDakarSN2008Dakar, Dakar, SN
SenegalDakarDakarPikinePikineSN2008Pikine, Dakar, SN
SenegalDakarDakarGuediawayeGuédiawayeSN2008Guédiawaye, Dakar, SN
SenegalThiesThièsMbourMbour~M'bour~SN2008Mbour, Thiès, SN
Entries 1 to 5 of 45