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Anomalous Depth of the Equatorial Pacific Thermocline: East-Central Pacific

This plot displays three-month running average time series of warm water volume across the east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean based upon the standardized anomalous depth of the equatorial Pacific thermocline, and the standardized NINO3.4 sea surface temperature anomaly from 1982 to present.

The red time series plot represents warm water volume (WWV) across the east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean, given as the three-month running average of the standardized anomalous depth of the east-central equatorial Pacific thermocline, as indicated by the depth of water above the 20°C potential temperature isotherm averaged over the region 5°S to 5°N and 160°W to 120°W. The 20°C potential temperature isotherm depth anomalies are calculated with respect to the 1991-2020 base period and standardized over the 1982-present period. The black trace is the three-month running average of the standardized NINO 3.4 sea surface temperature anomaly. The sea surface temperature anomalies are calculated with respect to the 1991-2020 base period and standardized over the 1982-present period.

Dataset Documentation

Monthly SST Data

NOAAs 1/4-degree Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) Version 2.1 monthly sea surface temperature anomaly (in °C) with respect to the 1991-2020 base period on a 0.25° lat/lon grid
Data Source
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (OISST Version 2.1 Data Library entry)
Three-month running average of standardized (1982-present base period) monthly sea surface temperature anomalies (1991-2020 base period) averaged over the NINO3.4 region (5°S to 5°N latitude and 170°W to 120°W longitude)

Warm Water Volume (Depth of 20°C Potential Temperature Isotherm) Data

NCEP Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) monthly potential temperature on a 1.0° lon x 1/3°lat grid at multiple depths
Data Source
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) (GODAS)
Three-month running average of standardized (1982-present base period) anomalies (1991-2020 base period) of the depth of the 20°C potential temperature isotherm averaged over the region 5°S to 5°N latitude and 160°W to 120°W longitude in the east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean


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