
Monthly to seasonal measures and analyses of precipitation.

This map shows monthly precipitation anomalies for the globe.
This map shows monthly-average outgoing longwave radiation values for the globe, with an emphasis on tropical regions.
This map shows monthly outgoing longwave radiation anomalies for the globe.
This map shows monthly precipitation percentiles below the 20th percentile and above the 80th percentile for the globe.
This map shows, over the course of the three previous months, the number of months in which monthly precipitation was in the bottom or top tercile of the climatological distribution.
This map shows the WASP index for the globe at various monthly accumulation periods. The WASP index gives a standardized measure of precipitation excess or deficits over the selected accumulation period.
This map shows weekly outgoing longwave radiation anomalies for the globe.
This map shows the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for multiple monthly accumulation periods for the globe.
This map shows 3-month seasonal precipitation anomalies for the globe.
This map shows seasonal-average outgoing longwave radiation values for the globe, with an emphasis on tropical regions.
This map shows seasonal outgoing longwave radiation anomalies for the globe.
This map shows the WASP index for the globe at various monthly accumulation periods. The WASP index gives a standardized measure of precipitation excess or deficits over the selected accumulation period.