Atmospheric Temperature

Daily, monthly, and seasonal measures and analyses of atmospheric temperature.

This map shows CAMS monthly gridded surface air temperature anomalies for the globe.
This map displays the difference in CAMS monthly gridded surface temperature anomaly from the previous month.
This map shows monthly surface air temperature percentiles below the 20th percentile and above the 80th percentile for the globe.
This map shows, over the course of the three previous months, the number of months in which monthly surface air temperature was in the bottom or top tercile of the climatological distribution.
This map displays the standardized difference in CAMS monthly gridded surface air temperature anomaly from the previous month.
This map shows a 30-day animation of daily 925 hPa temperature anomalies for the globe.
This map shows a 90-day animation of the thirty-day running average 925 hPa standardized temperature anomalies for the globe.
This map shows a 90-day animation of the thirty-day running average 925 hPa temperature anomaly for the globe.
This map shows an animation of the pentad (5-day average) 925 hPa temperature anomaly for the globe.
This map shows CAMS seasonal (3-month average) gridded surface air temperature anomalies for the globe.